
Ainsley's Birth Story

And the moment you've all been waiting for - Ainsley's birth story! Fair warning, I talk about bodily functions... Here we go!

November 11- Ainsley's due date. I woke up around 3:30 am and was having pretty regular short contractions, but was able to go back to sleep around 6. Had contractions for most of the day, but they didn't seem like they were productive (felt like Braxton hicks contractions). My midwife came to my house for my forty week checkup. All vitals were good, Ainsley was moving, etc. She did a cervical check, and I was about 1cm dilated, not effaced, and Ainsley was still pretty high up (she didn't give a specific for that). She didn't make an appointment for the next week, but said we would keep in touch. Contractions mostly died off and the rest of my day was normal.

November 12 - woke up with contractions at about 3 am. I could tell these contractions felt different than the day before, more like menstrual cramps with a little bit of backache occasionally. They weren't lasting very long, and I was able to go back to sleep around six again. Got up around seven and I think contractions were on and off at this point, still feeling more productive but still very short. I talked with Leah, then went out to breakfast and ran errands with my mom and Declan. Had contractions off and on, nothing that felt serious or that took any focus to handle. We got home around 1 and I laid down to nap. Was able to sleep for about an hour and woke up a little after two with more of the same type of contractions - short and somewhat sporadic. Around 4:30, I called the midwife because my contractions were short (less than thirty seconds long) but pretty close together- about 2-3 minutes apart. We talked it over and agreed that she probably didn't need to head over just yet. I also called my doula to give her a heads up. Shortly after I made those calls, my contractions started getting a little stronger and I was walking or sitting on the toilet to handle them. Adam got home from work around 5:15 and I told him I was pretty sure things were rolling and that tonight was the night. He put The Incredibles on for Declan, and Declan stayed in the living room for the rest of my labor. 

I decided to get in the shower around 5:40, which was helpful. I also got really emotional at this time, because Declan was going to go to my in-laws to stay the night, and I wanted to make sure I said goodbye, and he wasn't going to be my only baby anymore, and so on. I was trying to eat something, too, because I missed lunch, so I had my mom stand outside the shower and hold my plate of food (peanut butter toast with bananas!)  so I could eat and shower at the same time. After I ate a little, I handled contractions on my knees with my hands on the back of the tub, and I was also swaying my hips back and forth. Then I felt like I had to poop, so I was going between the shower and the toilet to handle my contractions. My contractions were still about 18-30 seconds long, but around 6:15 I had a couple of really, really intense contractions. I told Adam to call my doula and the midwife, because I figured they should head over (my midwife lives about 35 minutes away and my doula was about 45 minutes away). Shortly after that, I got a heat pack for my back and turned off the shower so I could just sit on the toilet for my contractions because I still wanted to poop. Around 6:25, I was wanting to poop, but it also felt like I was pushing while I was "pooping," so I was trying not to poop. All of a sudden, I felt what I thought was Ainsley's head crowning. I got down on all fours in the bathroom between the tub and the cabinet and called to my mom, "Mom, can you see if the baby is crowning?" And she comes and looks and says "yes!" So they called the midwife, who had not yet left her house, and she started to talk Adam through what to do. She told me to lie down, so I laid down on my left side, still between the tub and cabinet on the bathroom floor. Adam asked me if I wanted to try moving out into the kitchen (our bathroom is off of the kitchen) after my next contraction, and I said maybe. But after the contraction, I told him I really felt like I didn't want to move. So I was laying on my left side with my right leg up on Adam's shoulder, and Adam was on speakerphone with the midwife. It turned out that her head wasn't crowning, it was the bag of waters starting to bulge out. I had a contraction and tried hard not to push, but man, I wanted to push! So I was half pushing, half trying to not push by hissing. At this point, my contractions slowed down so I had a few minutes to rest in between, which was amazing! It was sometime around then that Adam asked my mom for some hot water, because he had not had a chance to wash his hands since he'd gotten home. I said, "Mom, just come hold my leg really quick while Adam washes his hands." So they switched for a minute while Adam washed up. I think it was on or just before the next contraction that I felt her head crowning, and her head was born, in the amniotic sac. The midwife told him to break the sac, which he did (although he said it wasn't easy to do!). On the next contraction, she was born to the waist. Either on or before that contraction, I felt her turn around inside of me, it was totally weird! But she was trying to get in a good position to be born, I guess. I remember the midwife asked a question some time around then, and I leaned up to try and help Adam answer it and saw her half-born! I don't remember if I actually had another contraction or if I just decided she needed to come out all the way, but I gave one last push and she was born! Adam handed her to me and I rolled onto my back, still on the bathroom floor, and put her on my chest, covered up with a towel. He still had to deal with watching for the placenta and checking my bleeding, so we didn't check to see if she was a boy or a girl until maybe fifteen minutes after she was born. My midwife and her assistant arrived about thirty minutes after Ainsley was born, and my doula arrived just a few minutes after that.

I am so thankful that we had a safe birth/delivery and that God gave us a healthy, beautiful girl. Ainsley Kay was born at 6:41 pm on 11/12/14, one day after her due date, weighing 7 lb, 11 oz, and 21 inches long. I found her name in a book I read when I was about eighteen and just loved it! I knew, when I had a girl one day, that I would name her Ainsley. I've been waiting for you for ten years, baby girl! Her middle name is Adam's mother's middle name. She is the first great-granddaughter for my grandparents and the first biological granddaughter for my parents. 

Interesting facts: 
*The umbilical cord was a velamentous cord insertion, which is very rare and can be dangerous depending on how the birth goes. The cord usually connects directly to the placenta, but her cord was connected indirectly to the placenta by blood vessels.
*Normally, labor is serious once contractions are lasting sixty seconds or longer. Granted I was timing my contractions myself, so there is room for error, but my longest contraction was about thirty seconds long.
*It is very fortunate that we were planning on a home birth, because we wouldn't have made it to the hospital given how quickly my labor progressed. This way, we had all the supplies we needed and knew where everything was, and we had a midwife who was able to talk us through everything.
*Our midwife has been at over 400 births and has only missed five, including mine.

*I pushed/delivered both Declan and Ainsley laying on my side (right side for Declan, left side for Ainsley).
*Once again, I am the poster child for the fact that it doesn't matter if you are effaced/dilated, labor can happen at any time. My OB did one cervical check for Declan, I was not dilated or effaced, and went into labor the next night. 

*I never saw Declan until he was given to me right after being born. 
*I pushed for much longer with Declan and felt like my pushing was much less effective. Ainsley took about six contractions to be born, and when I did push, it was very effective.
*Obviously, labor went much faster this time around. I talked about it with my midwife, but I don't remember if we said active labor started at 2 or 4, approximately. Either way, it was a really fast labor. My midwife said that for the next baby, they would basically head over as soon as contractions started to be on the safe side.
*I was much more aware during this labor than with Declan. By the time I was pushing with Declan, I was definitely in baby mode and would not really have been up for conversation. With Ainsley, I was talking normally between pushing contractions.
*I bled quite a bit after having Declan, but had only a normal amount of bleeding after Ainsley.
*I didn't tear!!! And overall, I feel much better physically than I did right after having Declan.


Sixteen-ish Weeks

Had my 16 week midwife appointment last week. I'm up to 120 lbs, feeling really good. My acne is getting a little worse, and it may be due to a number of things: hormones (I'm pretty sure this is the biggest factor), eating spelt (gluten!) relatively frequently, and slacking on my facial cleansing routine. Even on the days I am home with Declan, sometimes I don't get around to doing my raw-honey face wash in the morning. I need to get back on track with that. I also still have my back-acne. Lame.

We got to hear Baby's heartbeat! Leah has an assistant who is almost a certified midwife herself, and she listened with the doppler and let me listen as well. I believe Baby's heart rate was right around 150 bpm. And then Leah used a fetoscope, a type of amplified stethoscope, to hear it. I can't seem to get an image to post here, but go to this site and imagine your midwife almost pressing her forehead into your belly and asking you to stay quiet so she can hear. I was trying to withhold laughter the entire time, it was so funny looking! But she could hear it with the fetoscope, even though she said it was a little early to hear it with that, which I think means my baby has a really strong heartbeat. Way to go, Baby!

We leave for California tomorrow! Will be there for a week for my cousin's wedding. I am excited, although a little nervous because Declan and I are supposed to share a seat, unless the flight is not full and there is an empty seat next to me. And he's 17 months old and won't want to sit with me. And I am pregnant and have less lap than I normally do. Prayers would be appreciated!


Deja Vu

March 6, 2014 - Last night I said to Adam, "When we find out I'm pregnant, we should go out for steak dinner to celebrate." And he was fine with that. This morning, I took a test (I actually took two because the first one gave me an error! Nerve-wracking!) and it came back positive :-) I came out of the bathroom hiding the test in my shirt sleeve, and said to Adam, "I think we should go out for steak tonight, because I'm pregnant," and handed him the test. He said, "What, no way!" and was generally very excited. We'd been trying since January, so it wasn't really a "surprise," but I did tell him when he wasn't expecting it. We are both very excited and can't wait to meet Baby #2! According to my ovulation date (I started fertility charting in January), Baby is due sometime early-mid November. I am going to keep the actual due date secret for the most part, since it's just an estimate anyway :-) Have had a very small amount of brown spotting, so I am praying everything is ok and that Baby is safe and healthy.

March 7 - first belly pic!

March 12 & 13 - we told Ian & Kathryn that I'm pregnant and found out that Kathryn is pregnant, too! She is due about three weeks before me :) How fun is that??

March 15 - We told my family today - my mom, Ken, and Taryn in the morning, and my dad's side of the family (including both sets of grandparents) at lunch. It was a fun day!

March 27 - a friend asked me if I'm losing weight. haha! If only they knew...

March 31 - First appointment with Leah, my midwife. It went pretty well. She took a general history and we talked for a while. She tried to get a blood sample but I got extremely lightheaded (I guess I needed to eat!) so she said she would get it next time. My urine sample came back clean (from my non-medical viewing of the results) and everything is looking good! Declan came with me and mostly what he wanted to do was play with her dog and nurse. She is very nice. Next appointment in about a month!

Early-mid April - I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant or what, but I have been having major wheat cravings! All I want to eat is pizza, pasta, and bread! Thankfully I have been having gluten-free (or wheat-free) substitutions that satisfy, for the most part, but something in me just wants a really good, regular PIZZA! I might have to give in... Baby wants wheat, what can I do? :-) I probably won't, but we'll see.

April 16 - told my supervisor that I'm pregnant. She's happy for me, but a little concerned only because my due date means I will be out for holidays and year-end processing. Not much I can do about that, though!

April 28 - Second midwife appointment. Leah (my midwife) has an assistant who is working towards being certified as a midwife who will be helping her do my checkups (Linda), and another woman who is just starting the training to become a midwife (Erica) who will mostly be observing. They will both be at my labor (hopefully). I'm excited, I say the more the merrier (when it comes to midwives)! I am growing well and feeling well. Barely any nausea.

May 4 - we tried to tell everyone at church today, but it didn't work exactly like we had planned, so we'll tell them next week.

May 7 - told most of my coworkers today! They are very excited for me.

May 11 - made the big "public/Facebook" announcement today (Mother's Day)! We are very happy to finally share our news! More updates to come :-)



I am not very good about keeping up with my blog. I have plenty of things to say but rarely do I sit down and take the time to type them out. Also, I have been sick for almost two weeks, so I'm trying to catch up around the house from that. Being sick and taking care of a very active toddler is not the easiest. And I only have ONE HOUR of sick time left at work (thanks primarily to Declan's chicken pox and not-exactly-pink-eye).

I guess I don't have much to say rightnowthisverysecond, but stay tuned for more from my brain.


Feburary 14th

I remember when I was pretty little, 4 or 5 I want to say, I used to say "Happy Valentime's Day!" Then, my grandma gave me a book about Valentime's, and I loved that book, but I looked at the cover and thought, "That's not right, it has an 'N' where the 'M' should be!" I recall asking one of my parents about it, and they corrected me so that I now knew that it was Valentine's Day. I've never liked it as much as how I used to say it.

So, Happy Valentime's Day!



Generally speaking, I am not very good at sharing food.

I don't really know why this is. If you ask me, chances are I'm more than happy to let you have some of my food (unless it's like, my birthday steak at a restaurant, in which case I might be a little hesitant). But in general, I don't usually offer to share my food. When I think about it, it seems kind of weird. I'm not concerned that I won't have enough to eat -  thankfully, I have plenty of food in my house, and it's not like I'll be going hungry if I give you one of crackers. I never had a time in my life when my next meal wasn't a guarantee, so I'm not reacting to a difficult time in my past. Why am I so weird about food? Is anyone else secretly like this?



I just started praying for a revival.

It sounds old-fashioned, but I pray God stirs the hearts of people where I live, and I pray that He uses me. I pray we see many lives changed and that it spreads across this state and across this country, and around the world. I definitely think we should be praying for missionaries and for other countries, but I am going to focus on praying for a change right here.

It may seem impossible, or too difficult. Maybe you think it could never happen where you live. But I believe that with God, all things are possible.

I want it to start in my own home, in my own family. I want to display Christ's love and model that for Declan, and I want it to be contagious.

If you want to, I would love it if you would join me. Please pray for your family and your town. Pray for the non-Christians you encounter every day. God can soften even the hardest heart.



I am considering doing a home birth for my next baby. No, I'm not pregnant.

A home birth is, to me, one of the pinnacles of crunchiness (aka natural living or being a hippie). I'm not actually opposed to giving birth in the hospital again, but I would like to avoid driving in the car trying to handle contractions. If I were to go the hospital route again, I would want to use a midwife, but I don't know of any in the area that practice in a hospital. Which, once again, leans me towards doing a home birth. Finally, with my new health care, I am trying to find the least expensive health care options available. A home birth is a great deal cheaper than giving birth in a hospital. I think I was charged around $8,000 just for delivery when I had Declan, and I was only in the hospital for three hours before he was born. If I do decide on a home birth, I will definitely miss the hospital food, which sounds weird, I know, but the food was really good AND I didn't have to cook or clean any of it! Best part!

The only other hesitation I have for doing a home birth is that our house is pretty small, and if I wanted a labor pool (or whatever you call them) for a water birth option, I'm not sure where it would go. So, if I can find a midwife that I click with and feel comfortable using, I will probably be having a home birth for my next baby. Whenever that may be.


Not for me, thanks

So I will not be drinking alcohol for a while. No, I'm not pregnant.

Adam and I recently switched from insurance through my employer to Samaritan Ministries. We started looking into it last year, and made the switch this year. I'm really excited about it. It is a Christian organization that allocates money among its members as health costs arise, while encouraging prayer and making healthy lifestyle choices to decrease health costs. The application includes a statement of faith, as well as your commitment to not use tobacco and either not consume alcohol, or consume alcohol only in moderation. I don't think it's wrong to drink alcohol, but I think it's just easier to not drink it at all. I think it's very easy for people to go from "a few" to "a few too many."

Reasons I decided to stop drinking:
1. Save money. Holla.
2. I can always be the designated driver, no matter what.
3. When I do get pregnant, me not drinking won't be a dead giveaway.
4. Much like wheat, I don't miss it. I have had about four drinks/sips of alcohol in the past two years (much of that time I was pregnant or breastfeeding often), and even around Christmas when I had my last glass of wine as a "farewell" to drinking, I had maybe half a glass and thought, yep, really not gonna miss this.

So it may not be forever, but as long as we're members of Samaritan Ministries, you can call me for a ride home if you've had too much (assuming someone is home to stay with my sleeping child!) :-)


Gluten-Free & Me: Introduction

For those of you who don't know, I have decided to go wheat/gluten free. I usually specify "wheat" because I do technically have rye or spelt gluten on occasion. So, why am I jumping on this bandwagon now? I decided to try it on a whim a few months ago and noticed a significant improvement in my acne, which I have had since I was twelve. That's reason enough for me! A few thoughts/notes:

1. I don't feel better now that I'm gluten-free. I didn't feel bad before, didn't have digestion issues, etc. so I can't say, like I'm glad some people can, that "I just feel great now!" I guess I always felt great  :-)

2. I like it. I don't know if there's one big reason I haven't figured out yet, or if it's various small ones. I like having minimal (residual hormonal) acne. I like that I'm not allergic to wheat/gluten, so if I decide to "cheat" one day, or if I unknowingly consume some wheat, the worst that will happen is a pimple or two. But I haven't cheated since Christmas, and I don't really see myself cheating again in the foreseeable future.

3. It's not as hard as I thought it would be a few years ago. My family has been gluten-free since 2011, and at that time I thought it would be very difficult. I think it is easy due in large part to the wide array of gluten-free goodies/flours now available, and also because I largely do not crave wheat, knowing what it does to my skin. It's just not worth it.

4. I think the issue I (and many others) have with gluten is not an issue with gluten itself (sufferers of Celiac excluded, of course). I believe it is because the wheat people consume today has a much higher level of gluten than the traditional (original?) wheat of years ago. The sources I have found claim there is no genetically modified wheat on the market (yet). I'm not sure whether or not I believe that, but even if the wheat we eat is not genetically modified, it does, indeed, have more gluten than it did historically. My untested hypothesis is that if I (and other gluten-sensitive individuals) were to eat traditional, unmodified wheat, with a normal and natural amount of gluten, I would not have any issues. I am searching for evidence to support my belief, as well as traditional, unmodified wheat with which to test my hypothesis.

That's it for now. I'm sure there is more to come on my gluten-free journey!


Being Controversial

It can be really hard to be open about some parenting/lifestyle decisions you make. Even if there is not a clear-cut, obvious "right" thing to do, very often people feel like there is. And they don't hesitate to tell you.

Will I defend my decisions? Absolutely. For most decisions, I have done research and come to the conclusion that my decision is the best. I like to really be informed before I make a decision, especially if I will be changing something I currently do. The reasons I made my decision may be different than the reasons you used to make the same decision. You may have come up with other reasons that are more important to you, and thus made a different decision. 

It shouldn't matter how I parent my child as long as he is not in danger and is healthy. We should be allowed to make informed decisions that other people might not make. I try, although I know I don't always succeed, to avoid telling people they should do something specific for their kid, especially if it is unsolicited (my primary exception being breastfeeding! All mothers should give it an educated try, because the odds are heavily in your favor that you'll succeed!)

I think the other problem with being "controversial" is that it's so easy to say things behind the anonymity/impersonality of the internet and Facebook. You can insult people much easier when you aren't doing it to their face to see their reaction. 

Confession time: what non-mainstream/"controversial" thing do you do? Mine would probably take up another separate post (or two...)



Sometimes it's nice when I can get some things done, cleaned, and put away. Sometimes it's nice when I can sit down and play a game for twenty minutes. I like it best when Declan naps long enough for me to do both.

I have two tricks/methods I use to be productive: the first is temptation. Ok, maybe I can come up with a better name for it, but here's the general idea - I let myself  do whatever (read, play a game, check Facebook) for a couple of minutes, then I start working. I have specific tasks I need to accomplish, and the sooner I finish them, the sooner I can get back to "me-time," for which I have a whetted appetite. ("Whetted appetite?" Is that right?)

The second is timers. I set a timer for say, fifteen minutes, and clean for fifteen minutes. Then I take a break for fifteen minutes. Often, when I am cleaning, I will be right in the middle of something when the timer goes off, and since I'm not going to leave something undone (dishes excluded!), I usually get a little more than fifteen minutes' worth done.

Neither if these methods is revolutionary, I know, but I thought I'd share what works for me during  nap time. (Declan's nap time, not mine. The most I usually accomplish during my nap time is sleeping.)