
26 on the 26th!

I just had to say that today is September 26 and I am at 26 weeks!! :-O



So I really only have a couple things to say. The first thing is that last night I saw that I have a slight linea nigra! Weird!! I showed it to Adam, who had just read about that for our childbirth class, and he said, "That's really common, it occurs in about 75% of all pregnant women." He wanted to reassure me not to worry about it! How great is he? :-)

Also, my hips started hurting. Mostly when I'm sleeping and shortly after I wake up. I am pretty sure this is normal, but what a pain! (Figuratively and literally). I am going to talk to my chiro about it on Friday, but in the meantime, I'm trying to figure out if I should try sleeping with a pillow under my hip, or what I can do to help alleviate this pain...

Also, Adam and I are trying to get away for a night while it's still just the two of us. Maybe this Friday - we are looking at doing dinner to celebrate Adam's birthday (we still haven't gone!) and then a night at a B'n'B near the restaurant. Then the next day, we'll explore whatever area we're in, or a nearby area, because there are some cute little downtowns that need exploring! So that's the plan.

That's about it for now. 26 weeks tomorrow! My little guy keeps growing and growing! I probably won't update until Friday, so hold tight until then :)