
Kinda bugs me

I'll say up front that I'm not saying that my opinions here are "right" and if you disagree you are "wrong" (at least, for this post!! ;-)  ). I am merely going to state my opinion and personal preference.

At a church I used to attend, the worship team (of which I was a part) would frequently, pretty much consistently, come up on stage after the message during the closing prayer. I don't like that. Yes, it makes a more "seamless" transition, but prayer is a time when you are talking to God. Prayer isn't to allow for a transition time. Of course you can listen and still be praying while you are walking or getting your instrument ready or whatever, I'm not saying you can't. It just seems to belittle prayer, making it a filler time when the congregations' eyes are closed and then when they open them after the "amen," voila! The worship team has magically appeared onstage! Just take the extra minute and go up after prayer! Thankfully, the "wait until after prayer" approach is the practice my current church uses. I just like to keep prayer a time to be focused on God. Also, I don't like it when someone plays music during the closing prayer. I'm not trying to say anything against the music or the talent of the musician, but again, I feel it is more of a distraction, or like it is trying to make you feel a certain way during the prayer. Don't try to elicit an emotional response from me, prayer does that on its own. I can see how some people might like it, but for me, I just don't like it. Just let the person pray!

Anyway. I'd be interested to hear how other people view the "prayer as transition" or "emotional music during prayer" topics. And for now, I'll get off my soapbox :)