
Being Controversial

It can be really hard to be open about some parenting/lifestyle decisions you make. Even if there is not a clear-cut, obvious "right" thing to do, very often people feel like there is. And they don't hesitate to tell you.

Will I defend my decisions? Absolutely. For most decisions, I have done research and come to the conclusion that my decision is the best. I like to really be informed before I make a decision, especially if I will be changing something I currently do. The reasons I made my decision may be different than the reasons you used to make the same decision. You may have come up with other reasons that are more important to you, and thus made a different decision. 

It shouldn't matter how I parent my child as long as he is not in danger and is healthy. We should be allowed to make informed decisions that other people might not make. I try, although I know I don't always succeed, to avoid telling people they should do something specific for their kid, especially if it is unsolicited (my primary exception being breastfeeding! All mothers should give it an educated try, because the odds are heavily in your favor that you'll succeed!)

I think the other problem with being "controversial" is that it's so easy to say things behind the anonymity/impersonality of the internet and Facebook. You can insult people much easier when you aren't doing it to their face to see their reaction. 

Confession time: what non-mainstream/"controversial" thing do you do? Mine would probably take up another separate post (or two...)

1 comment:

Adelia Kaye said...

The first thing that comes to mind is allowing my hemophiliac to take lots and lots of risks. When he was first born, it was allowing him to sleep instead of waking him to be fed. I'm sure there have been plenty of other examples in the past year, and the number will increase exponentially in the future!