
My Visit to Cairo

I mean to the Chiro... pretty much the same thing, right? ;-D

Apparently I don't have any torque in my uterus, which is good. And, once again, he said I don't need to change or remove anything, yay! He asked me if I had any varicose veins (no) or if I have noticed any swelling in my legs at the end of the day (no again). I told him I had gained weight in my legs (besides boobs and baby/belly, that's where my weight gain has been), but he said that is fine/normal. And he said my weight gain - about 33 pounds all told as of my last appointment - is fine. He again predicted a fast labor/birth, so I'm hoping he's right! Not TOO fast, but I'd rather not be in labor for more than 24 hours...

Hospital birth class tonight and tomorrow... it would be really good if Baby waited until at least after this weekend to show up so we can take the tour and know where to go in the hospital when he arrives :)

Pregnancy Math

37 weeks + 2 days =
My shirt doesn't quite cover the belly...
don't worry, I have a tank top on underneath
Greek yogurt for breakfast = bad heartburn

Cheddar Cheese + bread = really bad heartburn

7up = temporary relief

Having Baby = Relief until next pregnancy!!


Ready to go/37 weeks

I finally got Baby's car seat installed (thank you, fire department!!), so he can officially arrive any day now. When that will be however, is still a mystery... it would have been awesome if he arrived today - 12/12/12 - but since it's already late afternoon, I think we'll have to wait at least one more day.

Had my 37 week appointment yesterday. I didn't have the doctor check my dilation/effacement because I didn't want to stress myself out unnecessarily. I might have him check if I get to 40 weeks, we'll see. But he measured me and I was at 35 cm (same as last time!), Baby's heartbeat was 148. He predicted that Baby will be around 8 pounds, and said that he seems like he is still head down. Not much else to say, 38 week appointment next Wednesday if I don't have Baby before then. I think he'll wait until after that, but what do I know! :-)

That's about it... except a random customer I was helping said, "You're just so cute!" to me, which made me smile.