

So Saturday, I went to Cheese Days with Michelle and Popp. We had fun, and we got the famous cheese curds before the line was crazy long!! But I was pretty worn out by the time I got home, and I hadn't really eaten a lot, so I was frustrated, tired, and hungry. So Adam says, "What do you really want to eat?" And I said "Potatoes." And he said "Do you have potatoes? Do you want to make some?" And I said "well I have them but I don't want to make them, I just really need a nap." So I went to the fridge and got out tortillas and cheese for a quick "cheater quesadilla" as I call it (in the microwave as opposed to the stovetop). But then I saw that my maybe one-week old tortillas had mold on them. Are you kidding me. So I was just done at that point, I threw away the tortillas and just went to bed. So while I was napping, Adam made me mashed potatoes and garlic toast. I think he's made food for me once, maybe twice, ever. It was so sweet of him, and the potatoes were very good! (He used garlic salt instead of garlic powder on the toast, so that didn't turn out as well, but he gets an A++ for effort.) It was just what I needed. As I have said before, he is a wonderful husband and I am so thankful that he's mine :-)

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