
24 weeks

Let me just start by saying I'm so glad and thankful that I'm married to Adam. I love him so much and can't believe how God-lucky I am to have him as my husband.

So, had another doctor's appointment this morning. I think up questions to ask him, and I always anticipate that I'll get pushback or resistance, but I think my doctor is pretty agreeable to me pursuing a natural birth however I want to do it! Which is awesome!! I'm very thankful that I chose a good doctor who seems to be fine with my preferences.

Anyway, I gained about 5 pounds and measured 25 cm. My little guy had a nice strong heartbeat, and the doctor said based on where he found the heartbeat, he's probably already head down (good job, Baby!!). My doctor is good with me having a doula, and said that nothing abnormal showed up on the ultrasound at my last appt for my ovarian cysts. He said that if they found something unusual at my post-natal appointment, they could possibly do another ultrasound, but that often they go away on their own (which I know is common). So, overall, Baby and I are doing well! :-)

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