
Nice Customer

A couple of weeks ago, I helped a couple of customers figure out things with their accounts, and it took about an hour or so, but we got it all taken care of. One of their children said, "After all this [paperwork], we at least deserve an ice cream cone." And jokingly, I said, "Yeah, that sounds good. I like plain vanilla." And the dad said they'd try to bring me some custard (which will be the subject of another post, another day!). I told the mom that they really did not have to bring me any custard, and I was just teasing. I've seen them a couple of times since then, and he always mentions that he's going to bring me custard. Well, today, they did! They came to my work for the sole purpose of bringing me vanilla custard!! And I was thinking, if they did actually bring me custard, they'd bring me a little scoop I could dash in the back room and eat quickly. Well, they brought me like a little pint of custard! I couldn't believe it. How sweet of them!

I wanted to also say that I probably won't post for the next few days - my friend Afton is coming to visit! (Perfect timing on the custard - she needs to try some and now we don't need to make a separate trip! What a co-inki-dink!) We'll be in Madison, Jefferson, and Chicago, so I don't think I'll have much time for posting. I hope you survive, and I'll be back Monday or Tuesday.

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