
I know how to play the level...

So, for Labor Day weekend, my husband and I had plans. We were going to spend a day in Evansville and go to the Thresheree, for sure. While we did visit Evansville for a couple of hours (and had some delicious beer battered fries at the Night Owl - yum!) the Thresheree plans didn't go through. We blamed it on the weather, but I think we just liked to have a weekend to lounge around at home. And for us, that means we got to play Donkey Kong on the Wii! In case you haven't played it, Donkey Kong is so much fun! And we have definitely gotten our money's worth. But one thing is funny - they have these little pigs sometimes in the levels. Whenever there is a check-point mid-way through a level, there is a little pig manning the booth. And when you play a level repeatedly without beating it, a little cheering booth pops up at the beginning, with a pig there waving a flag who will show you how to finish the level if you ask. And that little pig gets really annoying. It wouldn't be so bad if he just popped up, but no, he waves his flag around and makes noise that gets irritating. So when Adam and I play and he shows up, I like to say, "I know how to play the level, pig." Then it sounds mean enough for me to get it out of my system, but really I'm just telling him I don't need his help... right?  :-)

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