
Sixteen-ish Weeks

Had my 16 week midwife appointment last week. I'm up to 120 lbs, feeling really good. My acne is getting a little worse, and it may be due to a number of things: hormones (I'm pretty sure this is the biggest factor), eating spelt (gluten!) relatively frequently, and slacking on my facial cleansing routine. Even on the days I am home with Declan, sometimes I don't get around to doing my raw-honey face wash in the morning. I need to get back on track with that. I also still have my back-acne. Lame.

We got to hear Baby's heartbeat! Leah has an assistant who is almost a certified midwife herself, and she listened with the doppler and let me listen as well. I believe Baby's heart rate was right around 150 bpm. And then Leah used a fetoscope, a type of amplified stethoscope, to hear it. I can't seem to get an image to post here, but go to this site and imagine your midwife almost pressing her forehead into your belly and asking you to stay quiet so she can hear. I was trying to withhold laughter the entire time, it was so funny looking! But she could hear it with the fetoscope, even though she said it was a little early to hear it with that, which I think means my baby has a really strong heartbeat. Way to go, Baby!

We leave for California tomorrow! Will be there for a week for my cousin's wedding. I am excited, although a little nervous because Declan and I are supposed to share a seat, unless the flight is not full and there is an empty seat next to me. And he's 17 months old and won't want to sit with me. And I am pregnant and have less lap than I normally do. Prayers would be appreciated!


Adelia Kaye said...

Welcome back to California! (A little early, probably, but nonetheless appropriate, I think.)

em said...

Thanks, Heidi! I am excited. Declan probably would be if he knew where we were going. Although he is going to miss his Daddy!