
14 weeks!

So today I am 14 weeks, 1 day! Today is 7/5/12 - 7+5=12, which is also my favorite addition problem! What a great day! :-D

I think the aloe is helping. Still not great, but I think I can see a difference. We'll see if it really helps if I use it consistently (every day or every other).

I have also noticed that I am more sensitive to heat. I'm not sure if it's because this summer is especially hot (like, record-breaking for Wisconsin hot) and I've been getting more used to the not-as-hot Wisconsin summers, or if it's because I'm pregnant! Usually I wait and wait before turning on the air, but these days I have been giving in a lot more easily.

We spent our 4th of July at home, watched a couple of fireworks shows from our yard, and used snaps, bottle rockets, and sparklers (the good, old-fashioned, metal kind that they don't sell anymore!) to have our own show! Jasp did not like the bottle rockets or these other ones that sound like gunshots that Adam had. I didn't like the "gunshot" ones, either! But we had a very nice, relaxing 4th.

I think that's all I have for now!


Dermatological Manifestations

So I have had a pretty smooth pregnancy so far, for which I am extremely grateful! However, there is one symptom that I have been experiencing - acne.

Ever since Junior High, I have dealt with acne. Never severe, but mild to moderate acne that is very persistent. I know that my acne is at least partially hormonally related, because going on the Pill helped my pimples and when I stopped taking it to get pregnant, I noticed an increase in pimples. And so, ever since about 5 weeks, I have had an increase in my acne. Not just on my face (although that's the worst!), but also on my shoulders and back, where I don't usually have an issue with pimples. What a pain! I know it's a very common side-effect, but I had hoped that my acne might lessen during pregnancy. So far, I have not been that lucky. And I have read that certain acne treatments are safe during pregnancy, but I am hesitant to use them nevertheless. I have used benzoyl peroxide a handful of times, and I can see results when I do, but I am leaning more towards just dealing with it until after delivery so I don't worry about it affecting Baby's development. The past couple of days I actually used pure aloe vera gel (not the green stuff you use for a sunburn, I am talking about the drinkable, refrigerated kind) on my face to see if dryness was a factor. I can see it helping a little (I think), but still... acne. It's worth it, because it means my hormones are in overdrive making a BABY, but it's still a pain.

Also, this weekend, I think I started to show a little more. I still look pretty much the same and my clothes fit, more or less, but I think my expanding uterus is starting to shift everything else around. I am trying to be conscious about eating enough protein - I don't eat very much meat, so that leaves me with eggs, dairy, beans, and quinoa. Any other non-meat protein source suggestions?