
The Un-Update

39 weeks today! Hip still not good. Better than it was initially but it still hurts :-( I got in to see the chiro on Friday, which I think helped, but now it's kind of plateau-ing. This really needs to get better. And Adam's knees are bothering him - so we are both LAME (get it!!). Saw the doctor last Wednesday, measured 37 cm, was up to about 151 lbs. Baby was still really high. Went again today, still measured 37 cm, lost about a pound and a half (which both the nurse and the doctor said was unusual over the holidays!), and had my first vaginal exam (I was too curious to wait until next week)... the exam confirmed pretty much what I was thinking - 1cm dilated, 0% effaced, and Baby is at -4 station (is that wording right?). So the doctor said he probably won't come this week. Which is somewhat disappointing, because obviously I want to meet him, but it's also kind of a good thing (if he's right), because it will hopefully give my hip more time to heal before labor. My doctor will also be gone the 1st and 2nd, may be here on the 3rd, so part of me is also hoping that Baby decides to come when he's around so I don't have to deal with a random doctor for delivery!! Kathryn said that if Baby was born on the 5th, he and Rowan would be exactly 10 months apart, which would be kind of cool :) Anyway... that's me trying to look at the bright side!! Oh also, I had a slight pinkish discharge Christmas morning (TMI, I know), and the doctor said that's a good sign - means my cervix is getting ready for labor.

Christmas was good. I got some really nice glass mixing bowls (they were on my wish list!) and an entire waterless cooking pot and pan set from Adam, and an ice cream maker (also on my wish list!!) from Roger and Diane. I think Adam really liked his gifts, too.

My mom gets in to Milwaukee tonight. It will be really nice having her here. I pick her up tonight, and Erin is coming with me so I'm not by myself. Adam would not do very well sitting in the car for three hours with his injured legs.

Annnnnnd three days until my birthday!! :-D