
It's a...


Ultrasound went great, the tech was really good about not referring to the baby by "he," and she said our baby is really cute :-D We got the cupcakes, took them home, and did the big Skype reveal! Adam's dad, step-mom, and Joe came down, my mom was there, and we got my dad, Julie, Sean, Siobhan, Grandma and Grandpa, Kathryn, and Rowan all on Skype. First I did the "string test," just to see if it was right, and the string test said boy! Then we opened the cupcakes and saw BLUE frosting!!! :-D

So excited, can't wait to meet our little guy! Here's one picture from the ultrasound (they gave us a CD with a bunch of pictures on it):

This is my favorite one :-) Looks like we got ourselves a thumb-sucker!!

Baby Dream

No, I didn't have a tiny dream :) I had another dream about the baby!

In my dream, on Wednesday night, I had had the baby Wednesday night. He was a boy, and he wasn't early, they were just way off on the due date. He was healthy and weighed 8 lb 3 ounces, and I remember telling my mom, in the dream, "I guess we don't need that ultrasound!" I had a really easy and fast labor (I really hope that part comes true!), and the weird part was that he could talk. We took him to church and some friends saw him, and I asked one of them, "Isn't it weird that he can talk already?" And no one else seemed to think it was weird. Either that or they were just being nice to me! haha...

So... Ultrasound today! I told Baby Wednesday that I would get to see them, but they wouldn't get to see me for a few more months! :-D

More information to come!!! Stay tuned!!


20 Weeks

I just thought that recently, it seems like the name of my blog should be "Excessively Baby" instead of "Excessively Megan!" The baby is mostly what's going on in my life right now, so that's why (pretty much) all posts are baby-related :-)

Officially halfway! Although as I was talking it over with Adam last night, we might, of course, be just over halfway or not quite halfway - we just won't know until Baby arrives! And speaking of arrivals, my mom is coming to Wisconsin today! Her flight gets in tonight!

I think that's all I have for now! Stay tuned for ultrasound updates sometime after Friday :-D


It's working!

So I've been looking online for natural acne treatments, and I read that tea tree oil may be effective. I confirmed that it's safe with my chiropractor/natural wellness resource, and... it's working! I definitely still have acne and redness, but it's gotten a lot better already, after only a few days of using it. I have diluted it with water to about 3.5%, so it's not as strong as the 5% some recommend using for acne. But... I can see improvement!! Yay!!!

What else... not too much to update. Still feeling some things that might be movement, but I'm not convinced. I guess it's because it feels like it's too strong for it to be Baby (yet). I think some of the things I'm feeling are just little spasms or muscle tics. It might be Baby, who knows!

I also think it's interesting when people comment on my belly. Some people have said, "You're not showing very much," and others have said, "Are you having twins? Showing that much already?" I don't put much stock in what they say, one way or the other, I just think it's interesting because I'm one me, and everyone seems to have an idea of what is "normal." From all I've read, there's not really a "normal" size to be, because everyone is different! So I just find it amusing to go from one observation to the opposite from one day to the next! And either way, I like showing :-D

Last update for today: a woman from church told me on Sunday that she has a maternity dress that she thinks will fit me that she would like me to have. She is probably in her 70s... and this is one she wore when she was pregnant! So I'm thinking this dress is at least 40 years old, give or take! Of course, I said, "That would be awesome!" and I picked it up at her house yesterday. It does, indeed, fit, although it's a little short for me (I'm more torso and she's got longer legs) and I think it needs some kind of gathering (maybe a ribbon or small belt) under the bust, because it just kind of goes out from the top. But it's cute! I sent a picture to Adam, who's working out of town, and he likes it! I think once I get a ribbon, and maybe leggings, I will be able to wear it :) How cool is that??