

Adam noticed today that my belly button is already changing... it's usually pretty deep (I mean I think it's a pretty normal depth), and now it is MUCH shallower! WEIRD!!!!! Also this morning, I really looked pregnant in the outfit I was wearing. Most of my shirts are softer fabric so they tend to "hug" my body more, but I was wearing a button-down over a tank top, and the button down definitely made me look noticeably pregnant! :-D

How many months pregnant am I?

Today is 17 weeks. Not too much to update since Monday; however, I have been wondering how people calculate how many "months" pregnant they are. If you go with the idea that a month is 4 weeks, and pregnancy is about 40 weeks long, that is 10 months, so right away that doesn't work. I have seen some websites that have a chart, and for a few of the months, they have (I believe arbitrarily) made them 5 weeks long instead of 4. I have heard some people say you take the number of weeks you are and divide by 4.4 (the average amount of weeks in a month). So for me, I would be 17/4.4 = ~3.8 months. That is kind of labor intensive (pregnancy pun not intended). I guess I can use that, but I came up with a different idea. Maybe someone else has also thought of this "method," but I haven't seen it anywhere, and I have done a fair amount of googling on this topic, so I will go ahead and call it my idea. I go by my due date, January 2, and count backwards. So December 2 would be 8 months, November 2 is 7 months, etc. While this may also seem labor intensive, I just wrote it on my calendar when I figured it out and now I don't have to do any more figuring! My method is also pretty close to the division method, because it puts me pretty close to 4 months (August 2!!) :-D

So... how would you/did you/do you figure out how many months pregnant you are?


The results are in...

No UTI!! Yay!!!

Adam and I are going to go to Olive Garden and a movie to celebrate! :-D

Also, we went out on the boat this weekend, and I have a hard time getting back in the boat from the water without landing right on my stomach (on the edge of the boat), so I asked Adam about fashioning some kind of step or ladder for me to use. He was able to come up with a makeshift rope ladder that, with me leaning on Adam for support, enabled me to get on to the boat with no tummy landings! What a great husband I have!! :-)