
Jasp, the BDE

Oh Jasp, you are so cute
You are the B D E**
I love that you are small
and that you snuggle up to me
I can't believe it's here
but it's very plain to see
That since today's your birthday
You are finally THREE!

Happy birthday, Jasp!

(**BDE stands for Best Dog Ever. I use this abbreviation for a lot of things... BHE, Best Husband Ever, BKE, Best Kid Ever, etc)


We Are Farmers

So... we are planning on getting sheep! We have land (about 4 acres), and Adam has built a fence, and everything is in process for us to get sheep this summer to raise and then sell.

But that's not really what my post is about.

Adam typically works Monday through Thursday out of town, comes home Thursday night, and has Friday through Sunday off. But their company is really busy right now, so he's been working Monday through Friday out of town. This is less than ideal for me, because it means I'm a "single mom" for an extra day every week (and that extra day does make a difference!), but it's also not cool for Adam, because he has less time at home to get everything done that he normally gets done. :-/ He started to mow last weekend, but a belt broke on the mower, so he had to stop. So now our grass is really long. Like, really long. Joe said to me yesterday, "I like that your lawn looks like a hayfield." Ha! So it's too bad we don't have sheep yet to help us with our hayfield of a lawn.

...for those of you who have never let your lawn get to that point, or who have never seen a hayfield ( = me before I moved to Wisconsin!), basically our grass is going to seed, so it has wheat-like tops on it. Crazy!