
Another dream

So I mentioned that earlier this week I had a dream that we were having a girl. Well, last night, I dreamed that we had a boy! In this dream, I actually had the baby really fast (and easy! yay I hope that part of my dream comes true!), and the baby was early (basically I had the baby now), but he was about 8 pounds, so he was totally healthy. When I dreamed we were having a girl, I just saw an announcement and knew we were having a girl, I didn't actually see a baby girl. Isn't that interesting! So I guess I'm an equal opportunity dreamer :-D


15 weeks

I can hardly believe I'm already at 15 weeks!  Next doctor's appointment is next Friday. I'm still feeling pretty good, but I've been getting lightheaded more easily when I stand up from reclining. Also I've been dealing with a stuffy nose a lot of the time, which isn't painful, but it can be annoying. I like breathing.

Yesterday my belly started to show a little more. I noticed it before I went to work, and one of my coworkers noticed it, too! Still wearing my normal clothes, although my friend Ashley loaned me some maternity pants and sweater, along with some books! Thanks, Ashley!

I would like to know why there isn't a standard way to determine the "months" of pregnancy. If you look online, there are a bunch of methods, charts, and what-not. I guess this is why they go by weeks. That, at least, I can keep track of!!

175 days or 5 months and 22 days until Baby's due date!! :-D


An Update

We'll have to see if I can come up with a better title than "An Update!" haha...

Well, I tried some Greek yogurt, and while I don't think I could eat an entire container plain, with fruit I like it! It is definitely different, more tart than regular yogurt, but I do like it. Adam couldn't believe the amount of protein in it, and one of the flavors I got (honey) has two ingredients: milk and honey. He was impressed by that as well. And I definitely like the 10 extra grams of protein! So I think that will be a regular addition to my diet (at least my pregnancy diet, and maybe beyond!)

Last night I had my first dream about Baby's sex, and in my dream, we were having a girl. I don't necessarily think that that's my intuition and that I'm right, but so far I've mainly just had dreams about being pregnant, not about Baby!! I had quite a few dreams about telling people I was pregnant until we actually told people.

Also, even though I am not really showing yet, I think Baby is starting to rearrange my abdominal organs. My stomach felt kind of funny today, like a muscular thing, not like indigestion or nausea. This has happened once before, although the first time it was PAINFUL, and this time it is just irritating.

Finally, I do think the pure aloe is helping my acne. I'm still red and it's not great, but it's definitely improving. I will keep it up and see how much it helps over time.

That is pretty much it for now!!