
30 weeks (woot!)

Does anyone even still use "woot?" Wow, I am out of the loop.

Adam says I look smaller in this picture than I looked last week...

So... 30 weeks! Approximately 75% of the way there! Give or take a mere ten weeks before we meet our little one! I can hardly believe it :-D

Baby is moving a lot. Some days more than others, but he is definitely strong! I feel most of his kicks up above my belly button (thankfully, since I'm carrying so low, he hasn't been bothering my rib cage... yet!).

My mom is coming out next week (one week from today) for one of my baby showers. I'm excited to see her, but I think she's mostly excited to see my belly :) I was able to schedule my next doctor's appointment while she's here, so she can go with me.

Annnnd that's about it for now!!


Quick and Chiropractic

Ok - going to keep this short (if I can!!)

Met with Denise (our Doula) this weekend. Getting more prepared for the birth of our little one! Next project: work on and finalize our birth plan.

Had a chiropractor appointment this morning. I always feel better after he adjusts me, with one exception - my pregnant tailbone! It is always tender after I am adjusted. I think it's because it's off and he puts it back in place, and I think it's off because I tend to sit on one foot (kind of like half-cross-legged) when I'm at work. I put a note on my computer that says "Don't sit on your foot!!" which will probably make anyone who reads it think I'm a weirdo, but as long as it actually helps me not sit on my foot, I don't care! So my chiropractor did his little "test" things of what I'm missing or doing wrong, and once again came up with NOTHING! Yeah!! So my twice-daily regimen of vitamins and supplements, trying to stay active, and doing excercises and stretches is all working! And I hope that the end result is a not-crazy-long labor and, above all else, a healthy baby!!

Ha! I did it. Short and sweet.