
29 weeks

So! I'm a day early for 29 weeks, but I had my doctor's appointment today, so I'm just going to update now.

I had my glucose test (the one-hour one) and iron/anemia today - haven't gotten results yet. They said I should get results later today, and that they will call if the levels don't look good - so no news is good news!

My actual appointment went well - gained more weight, and I measured 30 cm, one cm ahead of schedule again. But my doctor said, as of right now, he doesn't think the baby's going to be too big and that I would handle labor well and I seem well prepared/in good shape. Listened to Baby's heartbeat, it was around 155 bpm. I also asked him about time limits on pushing, because in my reading, they say that some doctors put a time limit of two hours on the pushing phase. My doctor said there's no time limit, and that more often he has patients getting tired and asking for intervention before he would even want to get involved. Once again, I think that God has helped me choose a doctor who is going to be easy to work with and is open to letting me have a natural childbirth!! He also said that Baby is head down, again, so I was happy to hear that. He also notated in my chart that I want to have a natural birth - so it's officially on my record!

I think that's about it. Still dealing with heartburn... no specific trigger foods, that I've noticed :-/ Oh well!

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