Let me start off again by saying that I am so grateful to have had an easy pregnancy so far! No real serious/bothersome symptoms, aside from acne which is just frustrating and annoying, and occasional heartburn if I'm not careful.
This morning, I got strong leg cramps in each of my legs, separately, while I was still in bed. WOW the right one still hurts!! I have had very slight leg cramps every once in a while before I get up in the morning, maybe like three or four times so far, but I just flex my leg really quick and it goes away and I'm fine. This morning, whatever I did wasn't helping. It did go away after a minute or two, but all day my leg has been sore. Not good!!! A friend of mine said that breathing deeply and trying to relax can get rid of the cramp. I think I tried that, but I don't know how well I did at relaxing... hopefully this doesn't happen again, although if it does, I will try to do a better job at relaxing... and flex or massage my leg as necessary. Thankfully it's always happened while I'm still in bed, so at least I'm not going to fall over or anything!!
Try eating bananas, the potassium can help. Also, there is a theory that sticking a bar of soap between your sheets will prevent leg cramps. A couple in our birthing class swore it worked. Worth a shot!
This happened to me 2 nights ago! Horrible pain. I woke up screaming. It was like a severe contraction in both my calves. They are still sore from that today. My midwife said I may have a magnesium deficiency (Which is so common in pregnancy). She recommended a magnesium powder supplement. You could get it at Basics. But ask your Dr. about it.
Another great reason to get the potassium Emilie suggested is that, according to Glenda The Ultrasound Tech (whose daughter experienced this firsthand at 17 weeks): a potassium deficiency can cause early contractions!
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