
Food pt 2/Symptoms

So I know I'm not a perfect eater. I think I do pretty good, and even though I do indulge every so often, I usually can limit myself and not go overboard. Most of the time :-) So it's really frustrating to have this hormonal pregnancy acne. I know it's, if not caused by, at least heavily influenced by, hormones, but you would think that eating smart/healthy would also help with the acne... but I'm serious - my acne is the worst it's ever been. Probably TMI, but it's true, and it's frustrating. I know I've actually been pretty fortunate as far as not having a lot of other painful or uncomfortable symptoms, so I shouldn't complain...

Also, I realized I haven't put one of my symptoms/discomforts on here yet: heartburn! It took me a while to realize what it was, because I've never suffered from it before. And thankfully, it's been pretty mild when it has struck, but I have had some infrequent heartburn. Now I sit up after I eat and try not to lay down for a while afterward...

I've had a few moments the past couple of days (especially today) when I thought I might be feeling Baby move. I'm not really sure though, and I'm not convinced it was really Baby, so I'm not counting today.

Unless it happens later today! In which case, today would totally count :-D


Emilie said...

I really good trick to feeling the baby move is to drink a really cold glass of oj, then sit or lay down quietly. This is usually what I do so Scott can feel them for the first time. All that sugar and coldness makes that baby move!

em said...

I'll have to give that a try! Although would Adam (or anyone besides me) be able to feel the baby this early? I kind of thought it would be too soft for an "outsider" to feel at first...

Emilie said...

It might be a little early for Adam, but at least you could feel it.