
Doctor's Appointment Recap & more!

So I didn't really update about my doctor's appointment - probably because there's not a lot to update. I think this was my shortest appointment so far. I have gained some more weight, which the doctor said is good, because I hadn't really gained much before. He also measured me for the first time, and said I was right on at 20 (I'm assuming that is centimeters). He reviewed the measurements from the ultrasound and said everything looks good. The measurements, according to the tech, showed that I'm maybe 1-2 days off on my due date, so they aren't going to change anything and basically he's right on track :-) I realized that I asked the ultrasound tech about the cysts I had, and never really got an answer from her, so I'll have to ask my doctor next month about them. I'm not overly concerned, but it would be nice to know if they went away on their own.

I decided to count yesterday as me feeling my little guy's movements for the first time. I've been feeling a lot of things recently, but yesterday morning, I was feeling things, and I hadn't eaten or anything, so I'm pretty
sure it was my son moving around! Telling me "Good morning. Mommy!" :-)

Saturday we went to a rummage sale that my friend told me about, which was pretty much a GOLD MINE of baby clothes! The prices were $0.25 per item or a paper grocery bag FULL of clothes for $3. My mom and I filled up three bags of clothes, and got about 140 pieces (onesies, tops, bottoms, sleepers, etc) for $9! We figured it out to be about 60 outfits. I still have to match things up into actual outfits, if it's not obvious, but my mom was great and washed all the clothes for me. Thanks, Mom!

That's all I have for now! :-)

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