
Natural Childbirth

Thanks to those of you who took the time to read my whole LONG announcement post!

I thought I'd do a whole post updating about where I'm at with natural childbirth. My goal is to have an unmedicated/no interventions birth, and I mentioned this to my doula, who is very supportive. She has loaned me a few books, including the Bradley birth book. I have just started reading it, but so far it seems really good and informative. I have looked into taking the Bradley class, and the only downside is that the closest one to me offering a class at the right time is in Madison, which would be about a 40 minute drive. Doable, although not ideal. That is what we will probably do.

Adam is also very supportive of me having a natural childbirth, which I think will be helpful when the time comes.

For now, I'm trying not to look too far ahead (I know I will need to plan ahead for the class) just so I'm not overwhelmed with too much information all at once. I will probably read through most of the Bradley book sooner rather than later, though.

Speaking of where I am now, Baby has fingerprints and is about 3 inches long! Isn't that amazing?

**I also wanted to say that 2 years ago today I married the man of my dreams, the love of my life, Adam! Time flies when you're in love! We have many adventures to look forward to!! :)


Ashley R. said...

Megan, one of my friends is a Bradley instructor. She's in Janesville. She was actually at the bonfire party. Her name is Melody(the one prego with twins). Let me know if you want her contact info :)

em said...

Hey Ashley! I think I may have already contacted her (last name starts with a W?). I found her information online, but since she's due with her twins, she may not have a class starting in time for me. She said she may offer a class in mid-October, but if it's 12 weeks long, I don't think that would give me enough time before my due date, not to mention if Baby decides to come a little early. She said she knew some other people who were going to start teaching in the area, so I'm hoping that maybe one of them will offer a class starting sometime in September. If you hear anything from her, though, definitely let me know!! Thanks :)

Ashley R. said...

Yes, Melody Wunderlin. 12 weeks? Wow! That is long! I've heard really great things about Bradley classes!