
More life

So not only did I have to get the heater core in my car replaced, they also had to replace the dash, because it was falling apart when they were taking it out to repair said heater core. That was not a fun trip to the dealership. But at least my heat works now! I can hopefully survive another Wisconsin winter.

In addition to that, we have to replace our roof. It definitely needs to be replaced, but we were hoping to be able to put it off a little longer. At least now it will be done and our house will look even nicer than it does now! I finally decided (with Adam's agreement) to go with brown for the roof instead of dark green. I figure that way, when we eventually redo the siding, we have more options open for colors than light green or white (the only two I would have liked with a dark green roof). And we still have to get tickets for Christmas. So much for trying to save money after vacation!

Christmas play rehearsals are going well. Much better than I was expecting. We've got some good kids at our church, and a lot of willing adults who volunteer. I love our church.

I still enjoy writing, even when I don't have a whole lot to say. I hope you don't mind my "nothing" posts. I did feel like I had something substantial to say this time, but now I can't remember what it was. Oh well. Stay tuned, maybe I will think of it later.

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