
I'll be here all week

So if you know me in person, you probably know that I'm a loud sneezer. I have sneezed loudly ever since I can remember. I think I got it from my dad, whom you can hear sneeze from three rooms away :) Anyway, I have a few sneezing stories, but for now, I'll just tell the most recent one.

We had an orientation at work that probably 150+ people were at, including some people I used to work with. I said hello, since I hadn't seen some for a few months, and then sat at my table (we had assigned seats, so I wasn't sitting with the people I knew). Towards the end of the three-hour session, I let loose with a classic "me" sneeze. One of my coworkers a table away said, "That must be Megan."

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! I'll be here all week. Tip your waiter.

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