
I was just thinking to myself, "well, I don't have any real homework this weekend, but if I read the next government chapter like Mrs. B suggested I'll get ahead and not have to do so much work next week." Then I thought to myself, "why?!?!" I mean, why am I going to work ahead? What is my impetus?? It's not like I have all that much more to do next week that it would be so much more beneficial to work ahead... and yet what is there to discourage my doing this besides my own lazy and idle tendencies over the weekend? I think I will work ahead... just because I hae nothing else to do this weekend, I don't think. Tomorrow seems wide open and heavy with the possibilities it holds. But I don't think much will be done tomorrow. I am very broke.

WORD of the day: im·pe·tus, n. 1. An impelling force; an impulse. 2. The force or energy associated with a moving body.

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