
My Visit to Cairo

I mean to the Chiro... pretty much the same thing, right? ;-D

Apparently I don't have any torque in my uterus, which is good. And, once again, he said I don't need to change or remove anything, yay! He asked me if I had any varicose veins (no) or if I have noticed any swelling in my legs at the end of the day (no again). I told him I had gained weight in my legs (besides boobs and baby/belly, that's where my weight gain has been), but he said that is fine/normal. And he said my weight gain - about 33 pounds all told as of my last appointment - is fine. He again predicted a fast labor/birth, so I'm hoping he's right! Not TOO fast, but I'd rather not be in labor for more than 24 hours...

Hospital birth class tonight and tomorrow... it would be really good if Baby waited until at least after this weekend to show up so we can take the tour and know where to go in the hospital when he arrives :)

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