
36 weeks

You have at least one more week to go, Baby! Then you can come whenever you're ready.

So we had a busy weekend, especially Saturday. I had choir practice in the morning. Had to leave that early so we could do our maternity/belly pics (and family photos). We saw them on the photographer's digital camera and there were some really good ones. We had Jasp in a few of them, and it was so funny because at one point, we were sitting on the ground for a picture and he just came up and sat down right next to me and the belly, and looked right at the camera! What a good puppy :-) Until he peed on one of the photographer's bags... then we put him outside for the rest of the time. Come on, Jasp, really?? After the photos (which we should get in a couple of weeks), I went to Madison and hung out with Jessica at the mall. That was a lot of walking for pregnant me, and even though it wore me out, I was glad to be active. Then I came home and Adam and I went to the Sound of Music with Jef and Erin! It was fun. But wow what a long day! Also, while I was in Madison, Adam painted the bathroom! It looks great!! I love doing these little things that make our house more "us" and homey (even though it's Adam doing the "doing" in this case). I know our house is a work in progress, but I like it. I got new bath mats for it Monday night, and it is almost complete (still need trim and curtains).

Sunday after church, one of my former Sunday School girls came over to help organize things in Baby's room. She opened all of his toys and cups so we could put them away, and helped with organizing some of his clothes. I bought her lunch since she was such a big help! I think that's mostly what I did Sunday besides cook a week's worth of food for Adam in case he was working out of town... which he isn't! Yay! Also yay because now my cooking this week will be very minimal :-D

So... 36 weeks! 28 days till due date, although most people I talk to think I won't make it to January. We shall see! Only God knows. Still have heartburn, and from talking with my chiropractor and my doctor about it, there's not really a whole lot to do but... you know... have the baby!! Once he's not compressing my stomach and esophagus, it should go away. That will be very nice... and speaking of my doctor, I had an appointment on Friday. I only gained about half a pound since my last appointment, but the last two times I gained like 4 lbs in 2 weeks, so maybe I'm just averaging out now. He said my weight gain was good, Baby is head down, and his heartbeat was 142. We also went over my birth plan, which he was fine with. I saw my chiropractor Monday morning, and he said I should have a quick labor and a "torpedo baby" that comes out pretty easily (I am praying he is right!). He also did his "test" thing and said I didn't need to change anything! Awesome!

Otherwise, things are still going well. Baby's room is coming along, hospital bags are mostly packed, ordered the last few things I know we'll need right away and haven't gotten (diaper bag, breast pump) and... yeah. Just waiting for Baby now! :)

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