
Baby Dream

No, I didn't have a tiny dream :) I had another dream about the baby!

In my dream, on Wednesday night, I had had the baby Wednesday night. He was a boy, and he wasn't early, they were just way off on the due date. He was healthy and weighed 8 lb 3 ounces, and I remember telling my mom, in the dream, "I guess we don't need that ultrasound!" I had a really easy and fast labor (I really hope that part comes true!), and the weird part was that he could talk. We took him to church and some friends saw him, and I asked one of them, "Isn't it weird that he can talk already?" And no one else seemed to think it was weird. Either that or they were just being nice to me! haha...

So... Ultrasound today! I told Baby Wednesday that I would get to see them, but they wouldn't get to see me for a few more months! :-D

More information to come!!! Stay tuned!!

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