
16 weeks & check-up

I kept putting exclamation points at the end of my post titles. I am trying to not overload this blog with exclamation points, only because I don't want to lessen the value of them when I do use them. So understand that I am very excited about my post titles, even if my punctuation doesn't seem to reflect it :)

16 weeks today! Went to the doctor and Adam came, again. He will probably just come to the next one with me, for the ultrasound, and then I may not have him come with me every time after that. He has to take off the entire day when he comes with me, so we'll see if he keeps coming.

The appointment went well. The doctor said I am right on track for growth, and we got to hear Baby's heartbeat again! I also did another urinalysis test, to make sure I don't have a UTI anymore. So be praying! I won't find out the results until Friday or Monday.

I can hardly wait till next month when we'll get to take a peek at Baby!! My brother and sister-in-law did a big gender-revealing party with my nephew, Rowan, and while I don't want to do that, I thought I might do a version of it. I want to have the ultrasound technician write down the gender, and then get my dad, step-mom, Sean and Siobhan on Skype (my mom will be with us) and all find out together. Then I'll just make the announcement on Facebook, probably :) So that's the plan for now!

1 comment:

Ashley R. said...

I love reading your updates! Keep them coming!