
Good news!

First good news - my brother and sister-in-law, who are expecting, found out the gender of their baby - it's a boy! (I decided not to use "it's a boy" as the post title for fear some people would misinterpret it... no baby news for me and Adam yet!!) I thought it was going to be a boy - and I already made them a boy blanket, so it works out nicely! Whenever Adam and I do have kids, I would like our first baby to be a boy, because I like the idea of our kids having a big brother. Of course, I would be totally happy if our first baby was a girl, too! As far as that goes, I would like to have at least one of each gender - beyond that I'll be happy with whatever the Lord decides to give us! Again - no personal news on that front yet - but yay for my on-the-way nephew!!

Speaking of babies, Friday night, my church offered free babysitting (for an optional donation) for the evening for anyone (people who attend our church) who wanted to have an evening free. Adam and I went to help, and one mom and dad brought their three kids, who are about 6, 4, and maybe 4 months! So, since it was three high school boys, Adam, and myself who were there to watch the kids, I was the default "baby" watcher. And let me saw, that little boy was a great baby! He didn't fuss or cry, he was just hanging out, taking in the world, and dozing occasionally. I felt bad that he didn't really sleep, but I certainly didn't mind baby time! He was a real sweetie.

Second good news - we caught the mouse!! I checked this morning and saw that one mouse was caught near the fridge (so I'm figuring it's the culprit who startled me the other night). Of course it grosses me out too much to touch it, so I texted Adam to see if he'd get rid of it when he gets home. He's the best husband ever (and I told him so)!

My mom is coming out to visit this weekend. I'll try to update again before she gets out. She is going to (try to!!) teach me how to quilt! So wish me God-luck!

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